
Hey there!

I'm Will, a software engineer from Ireland.

Currently building the plugins platform @ Grafana Labs.


Software Engineer @ Grafana Labs


Engineering lead @ Zenjob


Software engineer @ Kijiji eBay


Software engineer @ Mobile Travel Technologies

As part of MTT's product team (and core innovation team - the Zulus), my most important work involved developing the Concierge Live product, a real-time mobile travel assistant that obtains and utilizes relevant information to guide travellers through every step of their journey. I also pioneered MTT’s automation deployment strategy through Ansible



Ever asked your friends for advice on what movie or TV show you should watch? TellMeWhatToWatch is a mobile app that provides a social platform for friends to recommend viewing content to each other in real time. It is a POC that one day I'd love to see in the real world!

"Exploiting Bluetooth 4.0 for Secure, Cloud-Enabled Monitoring of Palliative Care Patients"

I designed and built a Telemedicine cloud application that provides secure access to patient records and enables remote control over wireless body sensor networks using prototype Bluetooth 4.0® hardware. This project was the focus of my Masters dissertation (Distinction awarded)

Software engineer @ Bullet

Bullet are a small company that provide a range of web applications that aim to help people start and run small businesses. My role in the company as a full stack Java Software Engineer meant developing customer driven features for Bullet's online accounting software. My most important contribution was developing their RESTful API and enabling the product's Multi Currency capabilities

An original co-op game written in C++ and OpenGL using the Bullet physics engine. Inspired by the Half Life 2 Mod Zombie Master

Developed multiple Embedded Systems using an LPC2468 microcontroller with a 16-bit/32-bit ARM7TDMI-S CPU

For more see my GitHub